ウーバー、DiDi株式の一部売却を検討 ソフトバンクと協議 36Kr Japan
SoftBank to Dump a Quarter of its Uber Holdings: FT - Asia
Is Softbank Uberu0027s Savior?
Softbank Funding May Nudge Uber Into Southeast Asian Markets Fortune
SoftBanku0027s Market Value Slides $9 Billion as Uber IPO Flops
Uberu0027s board considering stock sale to SoftBank and other
Softbank is now a major investor in both Ola and Uber: Is a merger
Grab vanquishes Uber with local strategy, billions from SoftBank
SoftBank is now Uberu0027s largest shareholder as deal closes
Grab vanquishes Uber with local strategy, billions from SoftBank
Softbank chief signals interest in Uber and Lyft The Independent
ソフトバンクG、純利益3兆円超え 4〜12月 Uber株やDoorDash上場などが